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Thermo Tec 14005-50 Thermo Heat Sleeve 50 Foot 1/2 Inch Inside Diameter Up To 2000 Degree F Slip On Thermo Tec

Original price was: $551.04.Current price is: $99.00.

(In Stock)

SKU: HHPUK26477204 Category:

The new seamless lamination of a hightemperature fabric to a highlyreflective foil is the makeup of ThermoSleeve which provides protection from radiant heat for hoses and wires ThermoSleeves ultra lightweight construction provides more insulating than traditional bulky rubbercoated fiberglass

The aluminized sleeving reflects over 90 percent of radiant heat and is fireproof and oil resistant ThermoSleeve is packaged in 3 or 12foot lengths and is sold in five different inside diameter sizes ThermoSleeve is also available in custom widths and lengths for special applications

  • 50 Foot x 1/2 Inch Inside diameter
  • Seamless
  • Fireproof and Oil resistant
  • Reflects over 90 percent of radiant heat
  • Maximum Ambient Temperature Up To 2000 Degree F
  • Silver


Application Heat Barrier
brandlogo https//wwwasapnetworkorg/sites/default/files/brands/icons/275flaglogowithglowpng
colorl Silver
DescriptionDES Thermo Sleeve
DescriptionEXT Thermo Sleeve 1/4 in 1/2 in Inside Dia 50 ft Length Outside Dia 7/16 in
DescriptionFAB Fireproof
DescriptionFAB Light Weight Construction
DescriptionFAB Oil Resistant
DescriptionFAB Protects Hoses And Wires From Radiant Heat
DescriptionFAB Reflects More Than 90 Percent Of Radiant Heat
DescriptionMKT The new lamination of a hightemperature fabric to a highlyreflective foil is the makeup of ThermoSleeve which provides protection from radiant heat for hoses and wiresThermoSleeves ultra lightweight construction provides more insulating than traditional bulky rubbercoated fiberglass The aluminized sleeving reflects over 90percent of radiant heat and is fireproof and oil resistant The ThermoSleeve can handle conductive heat temperatures of 750deg F and radiant heat temperatures up to 2000deg FThermoSleeve is packaged in 3 or 12foot lengths and is sold in five different inside diameter sizes ThermoSleeve is available in custom lengths for special applications Typical applications include brake fueloil and a/c lines
DescriptionSHO Heat Shield Sleeve
height 60
insidediameter 1/2 Inch
lastupdate 20190922 075507
length 120
prop65warning CALIFORNIA WARNING Cancer and Reproductive Harm wwwP65Warningscagov
soldas Each
Universal Yes
vehicletype JeepTruck/SUVCarATV/UTV
weight 15
width 120


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